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Project Matriarcas - Bolivia

Highlight women producers and their importance

Producer independence


Project started in July 2022


La Paz, Bolivia


Women from the San Juan and Aljiri cooperatives

Presentation of the project

What is the context?

The contribution of women coffee growers in Bolivia is still too little known by society.

In recent years, women's struggle to re-establish their social, economic and political role in society has been encouraged. However, this effort is limited in rural areas, which continue to ignore the role of women coffee growers.

What does the project involve?

The San Juan farmers' cooperative, the Aljiri cooperative and the independent women coffee growers of Caranavi, along with LATA 16 and Belco, are seeking to enhance the status of women coffee growers.

This is why the Matriarcas programme was created. To showcase the women who devote their time and energy to producing top-quality coffee.

What are the objectives?

The aim of the Matriarcas project is to create a brand of women coffee producers and to highlight their importance in the production of speciality coffees, by making them more autonomous.


Belco launched the project with USD 1,300, to which will be added 20 cents per pound of coffee exported.

Complete documentation

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Discover the coffee linked to this project

How far has the project got?

June 2022

Launching the project

Meetings with women producers from the project's partner cooperatives. Training and advice on improving the quality of coffee production.

June 2022

Coffee production and exports

Matriarcas coffee is harvested by hand between June and September. Of course, it is produced entirely independently by the women who are members of the Matriarcas project.

December 2023


To carry out an assessment of the Matriarcas project, we are waiting for the end of 2023 and for new interviews with the women members of the project, which we will compare with the interviews carried out at the start of the project.



The number of bags of Matriarcas coffee produced


The number of women who have benefited from income from coffee exports


The number of women who have benefited from access to gynaecological care as part of this project.

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