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Ethiopie - Yirgacheffe - Chelbesa # 418 - Q1 - Lavé,BIO


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About this coffee

Sourced by our agency

This washed coffee is harvested and prepared by Metad at the Chelbessa station, in the Yirgacheffe appellation. Metad was created by members of the diaspora who, after years in the United States, returned to their homeland.

They decided to promote Ethiopia's most famous product on the international market: coffee. With a view to restoring this product to its former glory, they promote washed coffee, complex in the cup and finely traced, certified organic.

This approach, combined with the company's involvement in development projects, convinced Belco to set up a solid partnership with Metad.

Full documentation

Documents, visuals, traceability, etc...

  • Origin

  • Zone

  • Woreda

  • Farm

  • Exporter

  • Species

  • Variety


  • Process


  • Drying

    Drying beds

  • Altitude

    1950 - 2200
  • Harvest period

    November - January
  • Type of harvest


The farm Chelchele

The Chelchele farm and its washing station are managed by Metad, around 400 km south of Addis Ababa, in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples administrative region. The farm was set up in 2013, on a 30-hectare site at the very heart of the Yirgacheffe appellation, internationally renowned for the quality of its coffees. Metad works with local farmers who supply it with their best cherries. Currently, more than 2,000 farmers in the Gedeb area sell all or part of their harvest to Metad.

What's more, Belco has discovered a company involved in development projects that go beyond the farm itself, and this approach has encouraged the desire to work with them. Aware of the natural heritage of the Gedeo area, Metad promotes farming practices that are more respectful of the environment. In addition, it finances road building and a primary school for 800 pupils in the vicinity of the washing station, which it runs entirely on its own.

  • Total number of hectares

  • Altitude

  • Shady

    Middle Forest

Meet Metad

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A few words about Metad

Metad was created at the initiative of a family long involved in coffee production, since the grandparents of its founder, Aman Adinew, were themselves coffee producers and traders. Before Metad, Aman Adinew was President of the ECX (Ethiopia Commodity Exchange). 

He created Metad with other members of his family who were American citizens, but who, like him, had chosen to return home driven by a desire to develop an efficient, quality business. Aware of the potential shortcomings of the Ethiopian coffee sector, they have chosen to promote remarkable coffees while focusing on traceability, ensuring better recognition of the products of their region.

METAD supports various local social and environmental projects. It organises regular training courses and pays coffee farmers advances, making their situation more stable. The group has also distributed over 600,000 coffee seeds to the farmers it works with. More generally, METAD has helped to build roads and provided funding for new primary schools, covering all expenses for 800 pupils (equipment, teachers’ wages, etc.). It offers scholarships for 105 disadvantaged students in the region of Gedeo, and runs projects aimed at supporting farmers’ wives, particularly in terms of disease prevention and screening.

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